Wealthy Affiliate Testimonials – Hard Work Pays Off

Wealthy Affiliate Testimonials

As discerning grandparent retirees, we want to know if a deal is real. We want to talk to people who have been in our shoes, We want to know that the affiliate marketing process really works for real people. We want to know if what we are getting ourselves into will be a success or not. That’s why I decided to research Wealthy Affiliate Testimonials and share with you what I have found. I want to know if I will be a success like these individuals. So here’s what I found. Let me know what you think.

Wealthy Affiliate Success Statistics

You will find that there really are no statistics available. This is mainly because at Wealthy Affiliate, YOU keep track of your earnings. Wealthy Affiliate of course tracks your earnings for you, but they do not publish this for public consumption. It is up to you if you want to share what kind of money you are making, and the success you are having.

“It happens at different rates for different people. Every niche is different, every website is different, and each and every one of us is different in our very own unique way. This is the cool part of business. We can all take a seemingly parallel path to creating a business, but very different at the same time and create a ridiculous amount of success.” Kyle, one of the founders of Wealthy Affiliate

But here are a few stats about membership that might interest you:

Wealthy Affiliate Testimonials


Wealthy Affiliate Testimonials

Why So Many Success Stories?

When you get onto Wealthy Affiliate and you see all the blog posts, you will see dozens of success stories in a day. Success, of course, can mean different things to different people. It can be as simple as adding a link successfully to a blog post. Think back on the first time you used a computer and how far you have come. Your computer training was full of tiny successes that altogether turned into mad computer skills eventually. This is why every success, big or little, is celebrated at Wealthy Affiliate. Little successes mean forward progress in the work that needs to be done.

Success can be measured in indexed articles, record number of clicks, affiliate purchases, or numbers of followers. What one has to remember is, that it takes from six months to a year for a website to earn money. This is why you see so many people celebrating the little successes they have made on their websites, which they know will lead to the ultimate success of earning money.

Celebrated successes, any success great or small, is part of the Wealthy Affiliate culture, in the human network of members. We are all there to support each other, and benefit from the successes (and failures) of our peers.

Wealthy Affiliate Testimonials

Monetary Successes

But the successes you are likely interested in involve the bottom line. Here are a few people who have achieved monetary success through Wealthy Affiliate:

Lynne Huy

Lynne started her online business in 2011, but did not come across Wealthy Affiliate until she joined in June of 2015. In September of 2015, she wrote this: “Since joining Wealthy Affiliate I have launched another 2 websites and I am amazed to see that they are ranking and doing very well already within such a short space of time. I have learned new and exciting ways to earn money online.” That was three or four months into her membership.

Ralph (RD40)

Ralph was a part-time kick boxing trainer, living with his parents, and had over $30K in debt. “But in September of 2016, I came across Wealthy Affiliate, and 27 months later, I was officially able to say I am a Six Figure Earner. I was able to achieve Record Breaking Earnings the last seven days (of 2018) The first 24 days I made $7,194.30 which is definitely nothing to complain about.”

“I can remember joining WA like it was yesterday. That was back in September of 2016. I can remember in the training Kyle asking, “what would you be happy earning.” I wrote down $1000 dollars a month. Never could I imagine that I would be making much more than that 2 years later. Not that I didn’t have the confidence it would happen, but sometimes it’s never realized until you actually do it.

Garen Arnold

Garen has been an affiliate marketer for over 10 years, “The learning curve for affiliate marketing can be very tough. But, if you stick with it, it can be the most rewarding thing you’ve ever done. I hope to spread my knowledge to the WA community and learn from others here.”Wealthy Affiliate Testimonials

See Garen’s click history and earnings for March 2016 above.

Brok (BrokFTJFH)

Brok started Wealthy Affiliate in November 2013, in hopes of learning more about online money making. Brok wrote this in February 2018: “One of my last posts sharing income was in October of 2016. It was a post about how much your website/business can change in a year. At that time I’d went from an income of $300 to about $4,000 a month in a year.

Now it’s the end of January 2018 (I know it’s been a few months over a year) and I wanted to share my progress and how much your traffic and income can change if you work your ass off for one year! Starting in November 2017 I’ve been making over $10,000 a month and in January I had my highest month ever: $13,481.39″

There are hundreds more stories, several of which are listed at Affiliate Marketer Training.com

One thing that is important to share with all of these success stories is that there is one important factor: Hard Work and lots of it. Wealthy Affiliate is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes hard, consistent, continuous work to achieve these earnings.

Wealthy Affiliate Testimonials

My Own Success

As of this writing (7/13/19), I cannot share my earnings numbers with you, because there aren’t any yet. I am currently in my 5th month of Wealthy Affiliate membership, so I don’t expect to earn yet. However, here are a few of my stats:

  • Two complete websites up and running
  • Published over 70K words
  • Published 62 articles
  • Of my 62 articles, 44 are indexed in Google
  • I have a 5/5 writing level. When I first started, I was 1/5. So my “readability” has greatly improved
  • Joined 5 affiliate networks, with over 25 affiliate programs I’m participating in
  • Finished the Online Entrepreneur Certification
  • Currently in Level 6 of the 7 Levels of Affiliate Boot Camp.
  • Selected for the Super Affiliate Challenge 2020 and am into my 3rd month of intense Super Affiliate training.

Most of all, I love what I’m doing and am really learning a lot. It’s FUN!

Do You Want Some of That Success?

Get a free membership to Wealthy Affiliate. In your first week, you will see what success feels like. Take the first module of the Online Entrepreneurial Certification At the end of that module, you will have the success of having built a functioning website. Enjoy celebrating your success with a bunch of like-minded people who have been in your shoes. See my review of Wealthy Affiliate here and read more of my opinions here.

===>Get your free membership to Wealthy Affiliate by clicking here now!<===


Please leave your comments and questions below, and thank you so much for reading!


https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/lynnehuy/blog/honest-testimonials-of-wealthy-affiliate-from-members-an-insiders-view/a_aid/13c69a95 Lynne Huy








Rhonda Stetson


  1. It just goes to show once again that hard work and consistency pays off. The platform and training at Wealthy Affiliate does work, I can attest to that myself. Right now a year in 50 post on my main site and a total of 3 websites I started from scratch. I have already earned money on all three websites with more to come in the next yr as I kick it up a notch. If you are serious about affiliate marketing like I tell everyone you HAVE to approach it like a business- your business and you will be the next success story. Wonderful article I always enjoy reading of others success and finding out what is possible.

    • Cathy, thank you so much for adding your success story.  There are literally thousands of people who have benefited from using the Wealthy Affiliate platform.  I am looking forward to updating this post with my own monetary success.  Best wishes for you continued success and hard work!  And thanks again for reading and commenting!  Rhonda

  2. Thanks Rhonda, this was exactly what I needed to read right now! I started out with Wealthy Affiliate a couple of weeks ago and have learnt so much. As with anything, it’s hard to know what you don’t know until it’s all laid out in front of you. The statistics in here are a big motivation for me.

    • Hi Vikki, thank you so much for reading and commenting on my post. I’m so glad I could help you on your Wealthy Affiliate journey. I was in your shoes not too long ago. I joined in late February of this year. Just work hard and follow the training, and you will succeed. Best wishes to you, and thanks for stopping by my website! Rhonda

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